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- Psychology services in the Kamianske
Public organization MARTIN-club is a non-commercial, non-political humanitarian organization that, since 1999, has been providing comprehensive assistance and protection to women, children and people affected by military operations in Ukraine. Currently, our organization works in 5 regions of Ukraine and provides: social support of the most vulnerable persons, provision of psychological assistance; consulting on social issues; providing humanitarian assistance, legal and legal assistance, shelter and specialized services to women and children affected by violence. Information here:
- Vilna celebrates Halloween!
The good witches of "Vilna" have already started preparations for the most mystical day of the year - Halloween. First, they conjured up the appropriate holy atmosphere with the help of our visiting fairies under the guidance of needlewoman Anastasia. The girls created Halloween attributes: bright toadstools, witches' hats, cute ghosts and many other creepy but charming crafts. Glue, paper, glitter and paints - and the "Vilna" space turned into a wizard's workshop. Then they added the drawings of female visitors under the guidance of teacher Yevgenia👩🎨, and during the English lesson they held a performance in the appropriate style. Finally, in order not to go hungry, they held a master class on creating a "magical" pumpkin cream soup Voila! Preparation for Halloween is complete! We invite everyone who is on the side of good to the space of creativity, self-development and safe communication - in "Vilna"! Kamyansk Taras Shevchenko Ave., 33a +38 066-001-86-98 The project is implemented by the public organization "MARTIN-club" within the humanitarian response of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine with the financial support of USAID (USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance).
- Stories for the 20th anniversary. Sashka Denisov
My favorite child was born in the family of a 60-year-old chess master, a turner from a metallurgical plant, and a 25-year-old beautiful janitor. Sasha also had a sister, Olena, a year and a half younger. My mother had a mental disorder, from time to time she was treated for a long time, and then the children were taken care of by the grandmother. More or less, the family kept afloat, and everything would be fine if it weren't for the 90s. My father stopped being paid his salary, he got drunk, my mother began to fall into an insane abyss more and more often, and she died in the same year as my grandmother. In this whole nightmare, seven-year-old Sashko didn't survive very well, from time to time he slept in the entrance, so when he was taken to a boarding school, he already knew that he could sleep on the floor, and this could be a salvation. ... in street life, Santyor kept aloof. He was not touched, now I understand why. That is why he was not touched in the zone. Because he was born with genetic charisma, which you always feel animalistically with that organ that has not yet been invented. Or maybe ass, who knows. In any case, the boy who did not beat anyone was respected and allowed to live his life. Sanya is lonely, that's why she is still in this world. When the whole party was addicted to drugs, my favorite boy just ate sweets and stole impiously. For the sake of force, not for profit. In one district out of five in the city, 97 criminal proceedings were opened against him and he was a witness in another 12. And he knew that at 14, as soon as he became a defendant, he would sit down. ... when Sashka was 9, we made the first and last attempt to return the child to the boarding school from which he ran away. We went into the director's office, having previously almost on our knees persuaded Sashka to go with us. There were three of us: Robert, a Pole, a believer, an outstanding teacher, me, then still a psychologist from the social service, and a smelly, sewing child who held me tightly with one hand by my pants with the other. The headmistress, seeing Sashka, said: ah, is that you? and, addressing us: do you know that he sucks from porters for cigarettes at the bazaar? I still regret that I did not cling to her house on her head. I am still immensely ashamed in front of the boy that we were so stupid then that we did not fight for them in the full sense of the word. Because such creatures do not understand what they have done to children, they only understand force. I write and hate, but 20 years have passed, she has long since died, this well-deserved criminal with a life-long pedagogy. We silently left the office and Sasha went with us. No one ever looked for him again. We then took our first steps in our business, and Sashka was their main decoration. He was almost always cheerful, adored animals, ate from the same plate with his cat Dima, and by the way he began to sing songs like "goodbyamericaoooo" after dinner, we understood: Santyor had satisfied his hunger and was happy. Like everyone else, he ran away from us a hundred times and returned a hundred times. He was imprisoned on the second day of his 14th birthday. On this holiday, I gave him the only flowers in his life. When he returned from the zone for the fifth time, he came to my house, we hugged and cried, and he reminded me of them: do you remember, those white, smelly ones, I was ashamed of them, because I am a boy, and you gave , and I couldn't help but take it, because you gave it to me. I did not remember those flowers. Now he is 32, he has a family, the little one was named Denis, as the man I love. Sasha works on construction sites, it's hard. And I am happy that the core in his soul did not allow him to make money from war and terrorism, although it is very difficult to survive with his profession where he is. I respect him a lot, although we haven't talked for 3 years, he is in my heart forever. One of the five from the 90s who is still alive, one of the few in my entire life, with whom I can talk about everything, freely, without obstacles and misunderstandings, in the same language, although we live very different lives. #Donetsk_Dnipro
Інше (53)
- ГО МАРТІН-клуб | соціальна, психологічна, гуманітрана та юридична допомога | вулиця Короленка, 31, Дніпро, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
ГО МАРТІН-клуб - допомога дітям з 24-річним досвідом. 7-річний досвід у запобіганні та протидії домашньому і гендерно зумовленому (в тому числі сексуальному) насильству. 10-річний досвід підтримки ВПО. На рахунку організації евакуація 16800 людей з Донецької та Луганскої областей до інших безпечних регіонів України. Ми співпрацювали з більше ніж 50 донорами, налагодили партнерство з усіма акторами у сфері прав дітей та жінок та реалізували більше 60 проєктів у різних сферах підтримки. 1/5 Warmth and protection for children in trouble We help children and women overcome the consequences of difficult life circumstances, war, and violence, promote their acquisition of resourcefulness and the necessary social competencies to change their lives for the better, and thus influence the construction of the entire society. Learn more about us Children1 children_2 Children1 1/5 Warmth and protection for children in trouble We help children and women overcome the consequences of difficult life circumstances, war, and violence, promote their acquisition of resourcefulness and the necessary social competencies to change their lives for the better, and thus influence the construction of the entire society. Learn more about us 25 years of support 180 employees 20,000+ clients and services 60+ projects done Our mission is to create opportunities for children and women to help their families overcome violence, the effects of war, and difficult life circumstances ГО МАРТІН-клуб Sep 6, 2024 4 min read Children rights We have created safe spaces and a mobile team to support children in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast New safe centers for children were opened in three cities of the Dnipropetrovsk region. ГО МАРТІН-клуб May 26, 2024 2 min read Anti-violence Sexual violence is a subtle but powerful and destructive weapon Sexual violence is an inconspicuous but powerful and destructive weapon that the occupying forces use against Ukrainians, say the... ГО МАРТІН-клуб May 26, 2024 2 min read Mobile teams The mobile brigade of Pavlograd helped a woman overcome domestic violence in her family На адресу мобільної бригади надійшло повідомлення від поліції про домашнє насильство щодо молодої жінки з боку матері. Вікторія Федотова Sep 27, 2019 3 min read Stories of beneficiaries Stories for the 20th anniversary. Kostik The youngest of all, Ihor Lyovkin, was 3 years old when, together with his brother Kostyantyn, who had already turned 9, they came to our... Вікторія Федотова Sep 26, 2019 3 min read Stories of beneficiaries Stories for the 20th anniversary. Sashka Denisov My favorite child was born in the family of a 60-year-old chess master, a turner from a metallurgical plant, and a 25-year-old beautiful... Read more Sep 6, 2024 4 min read Children rights We have created safe spaces and a mobile team to support children in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast New safe centers for children were opened in three cities of the Dnipropetrovsk region. 1 view Post not marked as liked 1 2 3 4 5 Read more Donors and partners
- About us | ГО МАРТІН-клуб About us Our non-profit organization has 25 years of experience in helping children and women. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, we expanded our activities to 7 directions. Children and women in need remained our main focus. The geography of the work covers Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. We stand against domestic and gender-based violence. We open places of social and psychological support, create social enterprises and do cultural projects. We have been responding to humanitarian challenges since 2014. Since 2024, the direction of attracting and strengthening youth has been intensified. We conduct professional environment educational activities in our training center. We have cooperated with more than 50 donors, established partnerships, and actively engage all actors in the field of rights protection, support for children and women. 25 years Children support 10 years Helping IDP's 7 years Against violence 16 800 Evacuated people 50+ Donors and partners 40 000+ Beneficiaries MISSION MARTIN club helps children and women overcome the consequences of difficult life circumstances, violence and war, helps them acquire the potential and necessary social skills to change their lives for the better, and thus influences the development of the future of the entire society. VISION As a result of our activities, the lives of children and women in Ukraine become safer, freer and full of opportunities. We act based on the best interests of the child, for the growth of children in a safe family environment where their rights and personality are respected. We practice zero tolerance for violence. We influence the reform of the social system through association with civil society organizations What is MARTIN-club? М ilestones For the future, we recognize the goals and go towards them, appreciating each achievement. We believe that small steps lead to a great future. R іghts We strive to ensure equal opportunities and protect the rights of every person, regardless of their status or origin. І nclusive We share the concept of creating a society where all people, regardless of their abilities, characteristics and status, fully participate in the life of society. А ction Real actions that are the result of a balanced position and awareness of the passage of time, which is the main resource of a person. Т houghtfulness We show consideration, care and discretion towards other people. Everyone in the organization cares about the needs and feelings of others. N on dependence We believe in the importance of independence to ensure transparency, efficiency and trust in our work. Work directions Work against violence We have been working in the field of combating domestic and gender-based violence since 2017. We advise and protect. We have comprehensive support for victims Social entrepreneurship On the provision of humanitarian aid in Dnipropetrovsk region and cash payments to residents of Kharkiv region Children's support service We provide comprehensive social and psychological services for local children and IDP children. Cultural direction On the provision of humanitarian aid in Dnipropetrovsk region and cash payments to residents of Kharkiv region Humanitarian response About the provision of humanitarian aid aid in Dnipropetrovsk region and cash payments to residents of Kharkiv region Training center Our organization is about comprehensive support for victims of violence, we have a full cycle of assistance: Youth direction Our organization is about comprehensive support for victims of violence, we have a full cycle of assistance: Stories Вікторія Федотова Sep 27, 2019 3 min read Stories of beneficiaries Stories for the 20th anniversary. Kostik The youngest of all, Ihor Lyovkin, was 3 years old when, together with his brother Kostyantyn, who had already turned 9, they came to our... 0 views Post not marked as liked 1 2 Geography We need your support today! Support us
- Support and protection of children | ГО МАРТІН-клуб
Ми створили два соціальні підприємства - Кавʼярню Horizontal та пекарню МАМА 1. Support and protection of children We carry out large-scale activities to protect and support children, including those who have suffered from war and difficult life circumstances. The organization offers a safe space where children can receive psychological and social support, particularly through mobile brigades and specialized centers, such as the "Center for Assistance to the Rescued in the Dnipro". In such centers, children and their families provide psychological assistance, legal advice, and basic needs, contributing to their restoration and integration into society. In addition to direct support, Martin-club is actively engaged in educational activities, involving the community in the protection of children's rights and prevention of violence. This helps to create a favorable environment that prevents crisis situations and maintains the stability of vulnerable populations. Martin-club also actively helps children who are in difficult social and psychological conditions through hostilities. The organization involves skilled psychologists and social workers who provide children with emotional support, teach the skills of overcoming stress and help to establish trust in adults. Particular attention is paid to children who have lost their parents or have been forced to leave their homes, as well as those who have suffered violence. Through individual consultations and group classes, they receive the necessary resources to stabilize emotional state and development. In addition, the organization cooperates with local communities and international partners to create long -term support programs. For example, in the framework of projects with partners such as Mercy Corps, Martin-club provides assistance not only to children but also for mothers, women and other vulnerable groups, providing them with access to psychological and legal support, as well as the necessary household goods. This approach not only meets immediate needs, but also creates conditions for sustainable community development, which is capable of supporting and protecting children. Work directions / Support and protection of children / Donors 5 Spaces 5000+ Beneficiaries 3 Projects Projects Human rights children's hotel "Glove" Safe shelter and comprehensive support to children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. The center helps orphans, children from families in crisis and those who have suffered from violence. Children's support service The project was created to provide comprehensive support to children, especially from families of internally displaced persons and those who have experienced traumatic experiences due to war. Day center "Pink Panama" This is a safe day care center in Dnipro, created to support children from families who have fallen into difficult circumstances, especially internally displaced persons, large families. News Sep 6, 2024 4 min read Children rights We have created safe spaces and a mobile team to support children in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast New safe centers for children were opened in three cities of the Dnipropetrovsk region. May 27, 2024 2 min read Children rights In Ukraine, only 6 children were recognized as victims of the war in Donbas. VIDEO #Children's wars. Public activists published an open appeal on social networks under this hashtag. Yes, they are trying to reach the... Sep 27, 2019 3 min read Stories of beneficiaries Stories for the 20th anniversary. Kostik The youngest of all, Ihor Lyovkin, was 3 years old when, together with his brother Kostyantyn, who had already turned 9, they came to our... 1 2