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Donors and partners

The German public organization "Yulenka" was created in 2010 to support our work. Volunteers who helped us then and still support us financially, with mentorship and are part of the Supervisory Board.

United States Agency for International Development. The goal of USAID's development support is to help Ukraine become a democratic country with a high level of welfare and effective, accountable, transparent institutions.

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The United Nations development agency, UNDP supports strategic initiatives aimed at building capacity to promote inclusive growth and sustainable human development.

The Polish public organization "Good Factory" started its activities on August 8, 2014. Today, aid reaches almost 40,000 people a year on three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe in 9 countries.

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Ms. Patronesa is an initiative of active women's organizations. Works in the field of combating domestic and gender-based violence.

German Rotary Club (District 1820). Rotary's mission, "to serve others, promote integrity, and promote world understanding, goodwill, and peace through a fellowship of business, professional, and civic leaders."

The German Society for International Cooperation is a development agency with headquarters in Bonn and Ashbourne that provides services in the field of international projects.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian relief and development non-governmental organization.

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Mercy Corps is a global non-governmental humanitarian organization operating in transitional environments that have experienced or are experiencing various forms of economic, environmental, social and political instability.

The charity fund "Help" connects those who want to help with those who need help. Implement high-quality innovative projects.

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Norwegian public assistance. NPA's international activities cover three main areas: mine action and disarmament, development and humanitarian assistance.

Sloboda Studio is a software development company that has been creating software solutions around the world since 2010.

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ERIKS Development Partner (ERIKS) is a Swedish public organization and foundation that protects children's rights.

Global Communities is an organization that brings together local ingenuity and global ideas to save lives, improve equity and ensure a sustainable future. Works with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.


ActionAid is a global federation working for a world free of poverty and injustice.

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